Tag: family

Autumn Family Portrait Session in Providence RI

Goddard Park Family Portrait Session

Rhode Island Child Portrait Session
PortraitsMy sweet niece Elena turned seven this year, and she’s looking more and more grown up! She’s feisty and inquisitive, thoughtful and silly, and she’s got the most beautiful crystal blue.......

Narragansett RI Beach Family Session
PortraitsThis is the summer of family portraits! We all missed out on a lot last year, including gatherings with our families. Well, it seems that many families were not going to let this summer pass them by without celebrating the fact that they could be together and catch up on lost time. And again, ......

Roger Wheeler Beach Family Portrait
PortraitsI met up with the Feldman family at one of my favorite spots for beach photos - Roger Wheeler State Beach. It literally has THE BEST sunsets. Not that you can tell from these photos, because, well, there wasn’t one, so you’ll just have to trust me :)

Point Judith Family Portrait Session
PortraitsThis is my third portrait session with the Carbone family, and each year it grows bigger and bigger! It’s always a pleasure photographing this family, and I especially love their 4th of July themed attire this year.