Donnelly Family

January 17, 2019

Providence RI Family Portrait

Family photo sessions should  be a must for every family, because, well, you know…memories, kids that never seem to stop growing, quality time together…it’s all important. And as a group, photographers should know this all too well and adhere to our own advice. But to be honest, sometimes we let that stuff slip through the cracks too! But not this year! You may have seen from some of my previous FB posts, IG stories, etc., that I had the amazing Janet Moscarello photograph my family this year. [Our last family photo had four less grandkids than we have now, and three less significant others — so we were definitely due!] AND, in turn, I also had the pleasure of photographing her husband’s family this summer – a session that would essentially be a gift for his mother’s birthday. (I was later informed that she was happy. Yay!)

We met at the sunflower field in Providence for a few quick shots, and then headed over to India Point Park for the majority of the shoot. The weather was perfect, the setting was sun kissed, lush and green, and the grandkids were super excited to be photographed! Ha! I joke. And I can only joke about it because Janet understands my sense of humor, but in all seriousness, the kids were great. My favorites sessions usually combine a balanced mix of “formal” posed photos and candid natural images, and I think we definitely accomplished that task for this session. Hooray for family portrait sessions and cheers to the Donnelly family for being so cute!

If it’s been a while since you’ve had a really nice photo taken of your family, I’d love to help you change that! It’s never too early to schedule a portrait session, and it’s never too late to have one done! It doesn’t matter if your kids are 2 or 22 — let 2019 be the year that you make it happen! Click here for more info!